Please enjoy these beautiful styles of fashion designer Mercedes Delgado. While she modestly describes her fashion as simple, there is more to it than that. Her designs are clean and modern without being overly trendy. If you want to pick up a dress for yourself, head on down to Buenos Aires, Argentina. While you’re there snack on some delicious empanadas and quench your thirst with a mate infusion. In the meantime, check out Mercedes’ blog .
I have been wanting to do this type of photo session for a while now. I’m so glad the opportunity finally hit. Special thanks to Krystal for modeling and to P-Jay for making this session possible. Most of my gear is on a ship somewhere in the Pacific Ocean due to a move. P-Jay generously loaned me his lighting gear and his personal expertise. P-Jay and I have similar shooting styles so it is always fun to get together and exchange ideas. Check out his website to see more of his work and additional images from this session.
I have been on quite a journey the last couple of months. Only just now have I had the time to sit down and begin to sort through the myriad photographs I have been taking lately. The more I travel the more I appreciate the similarities in people and places rather than the differences. Please enjoy these photos from my travels around Asia and may they inspire you to embark on a journey of your own whether near or far.